The holidays. Despite the chaos of 2020, this holiday season can still manage to throw your sense of normal out of whack, both physically and mentally. There’s the somewhat never-ending supply of Christmas cookies and eggnog. And you can’t forget the pressure we put on ourselves to give the perfect gift. While we’re hoping that the holiday traffic on 280 doesn’t make an appearance this year, we’ve got a few tips from Aero Joe on how to stay well this season. And by well, we mean mind, body & spirit.

1) Start your day with a brisk morning walk. (Yes, it’s chilly, but bundle up and go for the mood boost that will last all day!) Get your dose of vitamin D, and maximize your hours of sunlight as your body continues to adjust to daylight savings time.
2) Practice 5 – 10 minutes of breathing exercises or meditation prior to tuning into the news. For an easy breathing exercise try inhaling 4 counts through the nose and exhaling for 6 counts through the nose. The slower breathing and a full exhalation can calm the nervous system’s response. Another bonus, studies show you get up to 20% more oxygen by breathing through your nose!
3) During the winter months be sure to move your body regularly. Choose any activity that works best for you, and set appointment times on your calendar for your workouts. Consistency is key! AERO JOE offers intentionally small Pilates classes (5 persons max) to keep students aligned, successful and super safe. Options for private lessons in-studio and on Zoom are also available. Give wellness this holiday, and gift a private lesson gift card. (Save 11% when you purchase by Dec. 16th! –